Cement gallery
0.6 MnTPA Jaypee Cement Blending Unit, Sadwa Complex, Allahabad, U.P
1 MnTPA Jaypee Ayodhya Grinding Operation (JAAGO), Tanda, U.P
1.0 MnTPA Jaypee Cement Grinding Unit, Sikandrabad, Uttar Pradesh
1.2 MnTPA Jaypee Roorkee Cement Grinding Unit, Roorkee, Uttarakhand
1.5 MnTPA Jaypee Cement Grinding Unit, Panipat, Haryana
1.50 MnTPA Jaypee Himachal Cement Plant, Baga, H.P.
2 MnTPA Dalla Cement Factory (DCF), Sonebhadra, U.P.
2 MnTPA Jaypee Himachal Cement Blending & Grinding Unit, Bagheri, H.P.
2 MnTPA Jaypee Sidhi Cement Plant, Sidhi, M.P.
2.1 MnTPA Bokaro Jaypee Cement Limited, Bokaro, Jharkhand (Joint Venture with SAIL)
2.2 MnTPA Bhilai Jaypee Cement Limited, Bhilai, Chattisgarh (Joint Venture with SAIL)
2.4 MnTPA Jaypee Bela Plant, Jaypee Puram, Rewa, M.P.
2.4 MnTPA Jaypee Gujarat Cement Plant, Sewagram, Gujarat
2.4 MnTPA Jaypee Wanakbori Cement Grinding Unit, Wanakbori, Gujarat
2.5 MnTPA Chunar Cement Factory (CCF), Mirzapur, U.P
3 MnTPA Rewa Cement Complex, Jaypee Nagar, Rewa, M.P
5.00 MnTPA Jaypee Balaji Cement Plant, Andhra Pradesh
Bhilai Jaypee Cement Limited, Babupur, Satna, M.P. (Joint Venture with SAIL)Digital Picture Albums by VisualLightBox.com v3.1